Thinklings - Resources

More Resources

Here is a random list of websites and resources I have found useful/inspiring. To view the websites, click on their links at right:

Kindermusik – an early childhood developmental program that utilizes music and movement to help young children learn and develop in fun and important ways. Parents attend with their children and so the program also aims to help parents better understand and meet their children’s needs at each age. I am actually considering starting a program here in our home because this is such a great resource, so if you are interested in attending or would like to have some more information to pass on to families you know, please feel free to email me at

The Rebelution – started by two young teens (now in their early twenties), this site aims to debunk the common misconception that teenagers aren’t capable of responsibility and maturity and to spur adults and youth alike to take action to change this current concept of teenagers in our culture. Lots of great ideas, inspirational stories, and links to resources for youth leaders and young adults alike.

Desiring God and Children Desiring God – both these sites are ministries of Desiring, the resource ministry of Dr. John Piper and Bethlehem Baptist Church. There are some great books, studies, and even Sunday School and VBS materials available. All of them offer solid Biblical teaching, and I have been quite pleased with the quality of the adult materials I’ve used. I am sure the children’s division is just as good.

Compassion International – started by a former MK, this organization makes sponsorship of needy children in developing countries possible through partnership with local churches in those countries and generous-hearted people all over the word, especially in the USA. A monthly sponsorship costs under $40 for one child, and provides that child with education, medical care, personal care (clothes, food, shelter, etc.), assists the child’s family, and also provides the community where the child lives with things like potable water and other necessities.

Samaritan’s Purse – one of the foremost international disaster relief agencies. Founded by Billy Graham’s son, Franklin Graham, SP is frequently one of the first responders worldwide when disaster occurs. Because of their respected track record and ability to network with local churches, SP has a foot-in-the-door to provide aid within moments of disaster striking, while many other organizations have to struggle and wait in line to get to hard-hit locations. They have many options for giving and providing assistance, and run the popular “Operation Christmas Child” program every year to provide needed and fun items to impoverished children all over the world in shoebox size packages.

©2010 Reformation Lady and Chandra E. Wellman. All rights reserved.

Thinklings - Books

Book Review

Miracles by C. S. Lewis

You don’t have to know me long before you realize that one of my all-time favorite authors is C. S. Lewis. And if you have never heard of him, or have never read any of his works, let me take a moment to encourage you to ammend this oversight! He is one of the foremost lay-theologians/apologeticists of the 20th century and arguably one of the greatest minds to ever live. His writings are masterful and his exact though imaginative use of language easily places his work among the “classics” of literary excellence. Whether you are a Christian or questioner  or unbeliever, or just plain don’t care about that sort of thing, it doesn’t matter. You will find a great appreciation for and enjoyment of Lewis, even if he makes you “hopping mad” while you’re at it!

His most famous works include Screwtape Letters, Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity and The Four Loves. If you have never read any Lewis, I recommend starting with his autobiography Surprised by Joy. This will help you to better understand his thoughts and allusions in the rest of his writings. Beyond that, where you begin is up to you. He offers quite a variety to choose from, everything from fantasy to poetry, to letters, to word studies to apologetics and theological treatises.

Which brings me to the book I want to recommend here, Miracles. I have been a Lewis fan for a long time and read much of his published work. So I was a bit surprised when my husband brought home a smallish book I had never heard of. It sat on our shelf for over a year before I decided to pick it up and read. What I found has astonished me. Of all the Lewis I have read, this is my absolute favorite. In fact, I would dare say it is in my opinion his most masterful work of apologetics. In it he provides some of the deepest and clearest defenses against common misconceptions and objections for the supernatural and natural, and for the essence and necessity of miracles as central to the Christian faith, that I have ever encountered. It is not easy reading, let me warn you. But if you really want to come to terms with some profound logic and insight for a better defense of the hope we have in Christ, for a deeper understanding of the goodness and glory of God, then this is a must read. And if you are a “questioner” and are looking for some reasonable answers to problems and objections you find with the Christian faith, look no further than this little book. What you will find there will certainly give you some real “food for thought” to chew on. Why this is not a better known and more talked-about book, especially in Christian thinking and apologetic circles, I do not know. It’s quite a shame it seems to have such a low profile among his other writings.

©2010 Reformation Lady and Chandra E. Wellman. All rights reserved.

Thinklings - Resources

Various Tidbits

Resource Suggestions – I highly recommend these!

On July 12th, I heard three great programs aired on our Christian Radio station. I will try to link them to this page, but if I don’t succeed, you can click in my links on the right and find the ministries listed and look through their archives for the July 12th broadcasts.

Focus on the Family – Hosted Dr. Richard Swenson, an expert at observing  cultural and social trends and understanding the ramifications they have for Christians. He has written several books on using time wisely, understanding the signs of our times, and managing our resources. This broadcast delt with understanding the need for simplifying our lives and how that runs countercultural to the very workings of “progress”. It provided some really helpful insight into what is going on in this time of history that we are living in, gave some good projections of where we are headed, and offered some helpful ideas of how to address this in our own lives from a Christian perspective. July 12th,  and July 13th, .

Family Life Today – Hosted Dr. Ken Hemphill, who is also author of numerous books. On this particular show, he was addressing the importance of raising our children with a Kingdom outlook. He offered some very practical suggestions of how to do this, as well as a very reasoned Biblical defense for why to do this. The follow-up broadcast on the next day was also insightful. July 12th, , July 13th,

Renewing Your Mind – A radio outreach of Ligonier Ministries, this broadcast featured Dr. R. C. Sproul, Jr. on “The Goal of Education”. He was speaking to a gathering of Christian educators on understanding not only the importance of education (to which we all agree, Christian or unbeliever) but on the ultimate purpose or reason for education. Again, this was really quite thought provoking. The follow up broadcast wasn’t quite as interestesting but was still good, too. July 12th, and July 13th

©2010 Reformation Lady and Chandra E. Wellman. All rights reserved.